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The true measure of success is found within the positive change
we can instigate.

Four people looking at a computer screen in a bright, well lit office space.  There are three women and one man.  Two of the womend are wearing black fleece jumpers and the third women is wearing a grey jumper.  The man is wearing a black jumper.  The Spin State logo is ontop of the image
Spin State's favicon in white with a grey background

Why Spin State?

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Embarking on this journey with Spin State is more than a strategic move, it's a promise to navigate the ebbs and flows together. I'll be with you in the trenches, leveraging my experience to tune into your business's unique rhythm. Here, we don't just confront the fear, we harness it, turning your bravest entrepreneurial leap into a relentless, purpose-driven climb.

I've built many businesses first-hand and today support scaling SMEs through my work with Simple Scaling Ltd as their COO and their ScaleX Accelerator Programme. My own journey has been marked by leadership and strategic pivots and this experience is the backbone of Spin State.

Spin State is a projection of my lived experiences, and our goal is to help you achieve and exceed 1M turnover. Embarking on the Spin State journey means embracing growth with intent and strategy. It's a path I've walked, from elevating early-stage ventures to fostering robust operations.

What is Spin State?

The name 'Spin State' represents a concept, in quantum physics symbolising the vibrational energy present within every atom. 


It suggests that by attuning ourselves to our vibrations—our thoughts, values and intentions—we can align with our purpose (our 'Why') which ultimately enhances our life experience and makes it more fulfilling and meaningful.


Through this synergy, Spin State it encompasses a journey of self-awareness, empowerment and living at a level. It resonates well with our brands Vision to assist early stage business leaders in discovering their purpose and attaining a fulfilling life experience.

Spin State logo with an abstract image of a woman with blond hair.  The women is laughing.

“At the end of your life’s journey, what do you want to say you did with your time? There is enough time if you choose to invest it in yourself. Inch by inch, day by day, make yourself a priority” 

- Jackie Canton

Align your business
with purpose
& execute!

Spin State is centred on the idea of harmonising personal fulfilment with professional achievement.  We support early stage business leaders find their 'reason for being' or 'Why' and align this with their Vision for the future.

We delivery this through one to one support,  workshops, goal-setting frameworks, and community support.  We create an environment where leaders can grow authentically, ensuring that their businesses are not just effective but also resonate deeply with their values.

This is Spin State's framework that visualises each stage of the process.  The first is finding your purpose, then crafting a vivid vision of how the future looks, acts and feels at a point in time in the future.  The third step is extracting your goals from your vision before defining systems that will compliment your growth.  The frame is in the colours of Spin State.  Grey, Lilac, Mint Green and Forest Green.


We'll guide you through your own purpose journey


How will your business look, act and feel in the future?


Translating your vision into practical outputs with financial clarity.


Benefit from appropriate structures of accountability, both in person and within a community.

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